1: "Discover 10 classic German snacks for your next snacking session!"

2: "1. Pretzels - Crispy, salty, and oh-so-delicious."

3: "2. Bratwurst - A flavorful sausage that will satisfy any craving."

4: "3. Currywurst - A must-try street food favorite in Germany."

5: "4. Apfelstrudel - Sweet and flaky, the perfect dessert snack."

6: "5. Leberkäse - A hearty meatloaf that will keep you full."

7: "6. Brezel - Soft and chewy, a staple German snack."

8: "7. Ritter Sport - Indulge in delicious German chocolate squares."

9: "8. Kartoffelpuffer - Crispy potato pancakes, perfect for snacking."